Jordan Gross
6 min readMay 29, 2018


This is the outline!

I. Intro

A. State the issue with facts. What are we trying to solve? Depression, anxiety, waking up, discomfort

1. Factoids about Americans discomfort with waking up in the morning

2. Factoids about depression

3. Factoids about rising rates of millennial depression

B. What is Getting COMFY?

1. Story about being un-COMFY with weight and image

2. What I did to turn that into COMFY

3. Book about mindset, not weight loss

4. Morning routines

5. Description of C O M F Y

6. Description of my dad and how that impacts me Getting COMFY

7. Description of brother and how that impacts me Getting COMFY

II. Why Me?

A. Describe who I am and why I am the person to carry this message

1. Why it’s important to take value in who you listen to

2. So many options to choose from, what sets me apart

3. Story about the pizza cookie

4. Criers and why this is a crier routine

B. Motivation for why I am writing this book

1. Listening to podcasts

2. Reading Hal Elrod book and putting personal spin on it — goal for reader in this book

3. Why simplicity is so successful

4. The concept of the “iduh” and taking action now

5. Doing something now rather than later. Live the life you want everyday, rather than wait for it

6. Don’t wait for tragedy

7. Who I am academically and professionally and how the relationships I make gives me an advantage

C. What the book will provide for the reader

1. The importance of keeping it short to keep attention

2. The importance of stories rather than facts and figures

3. Changing the readers life by Getting COMFY in any situation

III. Why YOU Should Get COMFY

A. Main reason we need to practice this morning routine

1. It’s all about spending more time with yourself to become the person you want to be for others

2. Paradox of personal development. Self makes you better for others

3. What happens when I do not practice Getting COMFY

4. What my mindset is when I don’t Get COMFY

5. Challenge #1 — No Snooze Challenge!

6. What to do if you truly cannot Get COMFY in the morning

7. Reach inside for the kid in you and get energized for the day

B. What to do the night before, to ensure the best morning

1. Tips are obvious, but that is the point. Light-heartedness

2. Go to bed smiling, wake up happy

3. Do something that brings joy at the end of the night, rather than contemplation

4. Recommendations for before bed activities

5. Have a great sleep to have a great wake up


A. Why relaxation is so important before everything we do

1. Focus on the journey not the result

B. Meditation

1. What happens when I meditate

2. Never quit

3. Non-pro tips

4. Testimonial from Ross Goldberg, consultant who meditates

5. Unplugging from a plugged in society

6. Focus on strengths but be aware of weaknesses

C. Yoga

1. Clarity and serenity

2. Respect for the people yoga touches on a deeper level

D. Stretching

1. Why we should still stretch

2. Sample stretch routine

E. Go Somewhere Relaxing

1. Surround yourself with calming sounds and feelings

2. Explore, have fun being curious

3. Why curiosity is so important


A. Opening up to other people

1. Be vulnerable

2. Active listening — Ronnie Rice story

a) Practice asking questions, getting genuinely interested in others

b) Learn what you don’t know from others

3. Overcoming fear and doubt

a) Reaching out and taking advice from people

b) Template and explanations when reaching out to people

c) Overcoming being annoying or using people

d) Focus on them just as you wish them to focus on you

e) Creating the Life Network

4. Becoming memorable

a) Quality and creativity of conversations that you have

b) Phrase ordinary questions in extraordinary ways

c) Getting COMFY with silence

d) Escaping banality

5. Openness Advantages

a) Overcoming internal issues through conversation

b) Allowing yourself to be helped

c) “Be a good patient” mentality

6. Openness Best practices

a) Not taking notes and absorbing and writing down after

b) Writing thank you emails

7. Valuing and Maintaining Relationships

a) Reaching out to friends and just checking in

b) Sending gratitude emails and their importance

c) Overcoming and handling failure

B. Opening up to yourself

1. Techniques for self-openness

2. Journal

a) Importance of not using technology all the time

b) Challenge #2 — Can’t Find My iPhone

c) KISS — Keep it simple stupid

d) Gratefulness Journal writing

e) Write down your fears

f) Write a letter to yourself

g) Gaining perspective by reframing situations

3. My Openness Story

a) Competition with self

b) Putting on a façade to show feelings of stability

c) Overcome embarrassment


A. Why I move

B. Movement Methods

1. Running

a) Getting the mind ready for battle

b) Allow the mind to wander and generate thoughts

c) Walking and listening to podcasts for thought generation

2. Gymming

a) Mind focuses on nothing

b) Complete a task that seems near impossible

c) Keep things that are in your control

d) For better or worse with good situations to rejoice and bad situations to let off steam

e) Sample workout for if you don’t have a gym available

C. Athlete Testimonials

1. Austin Carr on goal oriented process, putting in work even during off time

2. Jake Freeman — Physicality, mentality, energy, outlet

3. Zumba and FEJ — freeing electrifying joy; release for just a few moments or hours


A. Why funny is so important

1. Find funny in moments of sadness

2. All about perspective

B. Look for laughs, but smiles will suffice

1. Live in the moment and aim to make people smile

2. Yes and mentality of improv

3. PNN — Positive News Network

4. Challenge #3 — No News Challenge

5. Empower other people, make yourself the learner immediately

6. Watch a Funny Video

C. Funny Stories and Messages

1. Send a message in the morning to wake up someone else with a smile

2. Have a funny buddy to send messages to

3. Get that mind immediately in the positive rather than focusing on news or tragedy

D. Why are you happy all the time and love hugs

1. Miraculous view on life, knowing exactly what makes them happy

2. Create Lollipop Moments


A. Family and Mom

1. Focus on yourself, what you want to do right before the day begins

2. Laughing through situations that are out of our control

3. Add value to as many people as possible without the expectation of receiving anything in return

4. How can I make it easier

5. Don’t make people feel used. Ask about them

B. Choosing Your Passion

1. Feel young, think old

a) Feeling young is reaching for that kid again feeling inside

b) Thinking old is overcoming anxiety and social pressures

c) There is nothing memorable about the unremarkable.


a) Focus on your strengths, what works for you

b) Be creative anywhere, with anything, change the world

3. Working on what you love but never tried

a) Repetition with a purpose

b) Grit

C. Passion Projects

1. Jim Fagan the runner

a) Guardian angels

b) Getting back to your passion despite setbacks

c) Focus on other people

2. Diana Klonaris and Hummus

a) Getting COMFY in new situations

b) Enjoying the process rather than the end result

c) Resilience and response to adversity

d) Giving back and helping others with their own journey

3. MomdelS Project

a) Show appreciation for mom

b) Add value to a million people

c) Simplicity, indulgence, find happiness

d) Doesn’t matter what you do, what matters is how you do it

IX. What Now?

A. Where I am at

1. Tested this for a year, putting myself in foreign situations

2. Took swing dancing, something I never thought I’d do, something I dreaded, and its most memorable

B. What you should do next

1. Start trying things for yourself

2. Why I didn’t provide timing

3. Phrases I have provided as overarching themes and messages

C. The Kicker

1. Slow things down, don’t rush life

2. Control the pace, your conversations, the way in which you interact

3. Can Only Move Forward, Yes? C O M F Y



Jordan Gross
Jordan Gross

Written by Jordan Gross

Son, Grandson | Reimagining Personal Development | “What Happens in Tomorrow World?” Publishing Spring 2021, BenBella Books, Matt Holt Books

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