Thanks for reading and commenting, Jeff.
Those questions you consider good, are all the “right” questions, and I should change question to questions in the story. The right question does not have to be a groundbreaking idea. You’re absolutely correct, in the moment the right questions could just be, “What do you think?” or, “What could we have done differently?”
In regard to being the focal point, I would say that you are absolutely correct in saying that if there is one assigned leader, waiting on her or him to raise the almighty question would be a deterrent to a flowing conversation.
However, I am urging everybody to be a leader, not just you. Leaders do not have to sit at the head of the table. A leader can be the person taking notes or they can be the one bringing in 75% of the company’s revenue. Either way, to demonstrate leadership qualities and practice the skill of leading, then asking focused, good, and right questions are fantastic means of getting better at this skill.