Member-only story
Resist Acting “Akrasia” for the Remainder of Your Quarantine
Fight the urge to take one more bite.
My brother wants to lose ten pounds. He’s off to a great start. He’s been waking up early and going for a run, he’s been cooking all his own meals, and he’s been skipping dessert, which is his absolute favorite. But the other day, we ordered Italian food. And although A stuck to his salad with grilled chicken, the restaurant gave us some homemade cookies as a way to thank us for trusting and supporting their business.
I watched my brother’s eyes scan over the plastic container of warm, sweet, chocolate chip delicacies. I saw his hand come up and then immediately go back down. He shook his head to himself, thinking nobody was watching.
My dad reached for a cookie and bit down. Wow, did they look soft. I decided to try one as well. Wow, they were soft. My mom got in on the action too, gushing over the wonderful ratio of chocolate chips the cookie contained. Finally, A swooped his hand into the container and grabbed a treat. “I’ll just have one.” He smiled.
This is the concept of akrasia. In this scenario, A had acted akratically.
You’ve been home for weeks now, months even. You and your family and loved ones are thankfully safe and healthy and happy. You’ve been reading the…