Hey Vivek! First and foremost, thanks for taking the time to read, and I really appreciate you noticing that this is how I go about blogging and personal development! Make it my own by using creative storytelling.
Second, I am no pro, by any means! I am actively and consciously trying to get better every day, just like you are. Thanks so much for having the courage to share some great feedback!
I really like the idea about the paragraphs, but for the quotes, I like to trust the reader. I allow him or her to interpret for themselves what needs to be emphasized in their life.
First sentences are important to me, but sometimes I forget my own advice and gloss over them! Thanks for the reminder!
Lastly, 500 or 5 million followers, sincere feedback is always appreciated if the intentions are genuine, which they are here.
Thanks so much, and I'm always happy to chat further!